About Castle Courtyard
Although a market in Knaresborough was first mentioned in 1206, the town was not granted royal permission to hold a market until 1310, by King Edward ll. A market is still held every Wednesday and at the corner of the Market Place stands the historic
Old Town Hall - now known as Castle Courtyard.
The building was originally the Tollbooth for the town - the place where people went to pay their taxes, and to this day still houses the 2 prison cells where debtors and petty criminals were held. Latterly it was used as the town hall, and up until 1867 the
balcony at the front of the building was used by newly elected members of parliament
to make their election speeches to the local townsfolk.
Today the building is home to a thriving hub of local businesses including a café, restaurant, hairdresser, gym, toyshop and antiques emporium.